Monday, April 26, 2010

At this point, anything can happen...

So with all of these meetings, appointments, agendas, and schedules that we crowd our lives with, we have yet to realize that in only a moments time everything can come to a screeching halt. Your entire life and everything in it and around it will or has changed. You can't think, simply due to the information that you have come to grasp. Thoughts of memories from the past and would be occasions/gatherings in the future evolve into long surreal visions in your mind. When we hear news, and/or witness things that can effect, have effected, or will effect many lives, our hectic agendas are handicapped with the reality of what has taken place.
In the past few weeks, I have encountered an overwhelming amount of news, and stories involving accidents, unfortunate happenings, and loss of life of many great people.... An awkward amount of coincidences of... well, a word I'm not too fond of, but death.
As we rush through life, it takes death to make us realize that there is no need to rush. Through out my life, it seems as though the older I get the more people I encounter, and the more friends, pals, buddies I have made. There are beautiful people all around us and with-in each one of us. We are not the same, but we are really not very different. Love, hate, jealousy, envy, joy, tension, and every emotion that effects each one of us, effects us all in different capacities, and depths.... but we all experience so much of the same feelings with the celebration of life... and death.
Many people come into our lives and teach us who they are... where they are from, and what they mean. The things in their life that moves them, and motivates them, and agitates them, and things that upset them... we grow from it, whether we agree or disagree... we take it in. I've learned from people twice my age, as well as from people half my age. Everyday is a lesson, whether or not you are teaching or learning. Adventures happen whether scheduled or unplanned. We document these moments in our book of memories and almost like a rolodex file, and we refer back to them periodically. A song, a smell, a photo, any minuscule item throughout our day, can remind us of a person that has had an effect on our lives.
Stained into our memories are the life lessons we have absorbed by those before us, and the values and tools of life that we will pass onto those we teach today, and will teach tomorrow. Cherish the moments, and preserve the memories.
What do you want to do with your life...? From instant life changing accidents to chronic terminal illnesses, we don't know what tomorrow will bring for us all. We must be grateful for our life and everything and everyone that has made it what it is.
My father/best friend (who passed away seven years ago) always said to "Live everyday like it's Saturday, and every Saturday like it's the Fourth of July!" There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him, and who I am because of everything that he taught me to be and all the things in life that he taught me to appreciate. Sunsets, rattlesnakes, flowers, and steaks... no matter if it was untouchable, poisonous, fragrant, or delicious, everything in life has value to someone. Don't get me wrong, there are many things in life that I do not appreciate, but on that note I do realize that there are those who don't appreciate everything that I do...
Take nothing for granted, and take nothing too serious. Or else you won't realize what the hell all this is for. I'm not exactly sure what the meaning of all this is, but I'm gonna make the best of it all and love every minute of it.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful entry, Joe. So fitting for me to read at this point in my life, too, as I have just gone through a lot in a short amount of time. I came out on the other side having learned exactly what you're talking about, though.

